Our Optometrists

Steve Dinh
(Optometrist & Co-founder)
B. Optom, Grad Dip Oc Therapeutics
My career in Optometry has fulfilled my passion for health care and my fascination with the intricacies of the eye. When I’m not practicing I’m a keen bee keeper, I enjoy spending time with my two sons, fishing, camping and cycling.

Quent Wain
(Optometrist & Co-founder)
B. Optom, Grad Dip Oc Therapeutics
From the age of 8, I experienced the benefits of vision correction first-hand. Getting contacts at 14 was life-changing for my social life as well as my sports life. I wanted the opportunity to facilitate this kind of transformation for others. Optometry aside, I love spending time with three children and spending time outdoors.

Miranda Friend
B. Optom, Grad Oc Ther. Grad Cert MPP
My father has a rare genetic eye disorder and has been legally blind since he was 30. I was always curious to understand the root cause of his condition and feel passionately about helping to treat all sorts of infections and injuries. When I’m not at the practice, you can find me at the local CrossFit gym in Sale (where I grew up), walking my dog Django or painting and renovating my house.

Dr Laurence Fusillo
B.Sc (Uni. Melb), OD (Uni. Melb)
Seeing the world clearly for the first time was so rewarding. I knew then that I wanted to be the one to facilitate that “WOW” moment as an optometrist. Building relationships is really important to me so that when patients come back they’re not just seeing an optometrist, but also a friend that genuinely cares about them and their health. Optometry aside I’m a footy loving, success-starved Carlton supporter and try to get to as many games as possible.